Learn to Bird with Merlin and eBird Apps at Forest Preserve program
Mobile technology now offers up a world of tools for the beginning birdwatcher.
//=$blog_url; ?>//= $article["url"]; ?>Mobile technology now offers up a world of tools for the beginning birdwatcher.
//=$blog_url; ?>//= $article["url"]; ?>The Forest Preserve District of Kane County invites neighbors to join community leaders, staff and volunteers to the grand reopening of Oakhurst Forest Preserve, Saturday, Sept. 26, at 11:30 a.m.
//=$blog_url; ?>//= $article["url"]; ?>If you love the Fox River but don't enjoy seeing all the trash along the river, volunteer with us to help beautify the area.
//=$blog_url; ?>//= $article["url"]; ?>Looking for a fun way to kick-off the fall season?
//=$blog_url; ?>//= $article["url"]; ?>We can see amazing natural colors in the fall, but not all those hues are found in the trees!
//=$blog_url; ?>//= $article["url"]; ?>Get your daily 10,000 steps in, during guided hikes with Forest Preserve District of Kane County naturalists.
//=$blog_url; ?>//= $article["url"]; ?>Studies show that time outdoors can relieve stress, boost your immune system, improve sleep and contribute to overall good health.
//=$blog_url; ?>//= $article["url"]; ?>Illinois is home to 23 species of crayfish, seven of which can be found in Kane County. Can you tell a northern clearwater crayfish from a calico? A devil crayfish from a digger?
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