Take a guided hike at Burnidge Forest Preserve, Nov. 19
Our woodlands provide crucial sustenance for local wildlife, just before the harsh winter hits.
//=$blog_url; ?>//= $article["url"]; ?>Our woodlands provide crucial sustenance for local wildlife, just before the harsh winter hits.
//=$blog_url; ?>//= $article["url"]; ?>The Forest Preserve District of Kane County will be hosting two Snowmobile Safety Classes on Saturday, Nov. 21, and early next year on Saturday, Jan. 9.
//=$blog_url; ?>//= $article["url"]; ?>Tree trimming along the Fox River Trail in Elgin may lead to brief trail interruptions beginning Monday, Nov. 2, through Friday, Nov. 20.
//=$blog_url; ?>//= $article["url"]; ?>Are you prepared for a chill and a thrill? Come out to this evening program to enjoy the nighttime trails and hear stories about the creatures that lurk in our natural areas after dark.
//=$blog_url; ?>//= $article["url"]; ?>When is fire a good thing? When it's a carefully controlled, prescribed burn in your local Kane County forest preserves!
//=$blog_url; ?>//= $article["url"]; ?>The pedestrian bridge at Fabyan East Forest Preserve in Geneva, will undergo repairs, Oct. 12-26.
//=$blog_url; ?>//= $article["url"]; ?>Decorate a pot and plant your own oak tree during Forest Preserve District, "Acorn-to-Oaks Planting Workshop."
//=$blog_url; ?>//= $article["url"]; ?>Join us on a search for seeds, during our autumn nature hike.
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